
1. III
compare smth., smb. compare the two things (the two cases, the two rooms, the two books, these two dramas, the two poems, these children, the brothers, etc.) сравнивать эти две вещи и т. д.', compare texts (manuscripts, notes, results, ideas, two translations, etc.) сопоставлять /сравнивать/ тексты и т. д.; compare these handwritings (the two documents, etc.) сличать / сравнивать/ почерк и т. д.; compare Napoleon and Julius Caesar сравните Наполеона и Юлия Цезаря
2. IV
compare smb., smth. in some manner compare smb., smth. carefully (thoroughly, accurately, etc.) сравнивать кого-л., что-л. тщательно и т. д.
3. XI
be compared with smth., smb. this novel is not to be compared with any of his later work этот роман нельзя ставить в один ряд с его поздними работами; magnificent work, nothing to be compared with it прекрасная работа, ничто не может с ней сравниться; as compared with smth. по сравнению с чем-л.; I have done little this year [as] compared with what I did last year в этом году я сделал значительно меньше, чем в прошлом; my troubles are small [as] compared with yours мои неприятности ничто по сравнению с вашими; compared with what it was, it has improved greatly стало значительно лучше по сравнению с тем, что было [раньше]; she can't be compared with her brother нечего ее сравнивать с братом; be compared to smb., smth. my horse cannot be compared to yours мой лошадь с вашей и сравнивать нельзя, наших лошадей нельзя сравнивать; compared to the Sun the Earth is small по сравнению с Солнцем Земля совсем невелика
4. XVI
compare with smth., smb. compare with his rival's work (with daylight, with the moon, with the new actor, etc.) сравниваться / выдерживать сравнение/ с работой его соперника и т. д.', his plays compare well with those of his father его пьесы могут поспорить с пьесами его отца; artificial light cannot compare with daylight for general use для обычных целей искусственный свет гораздо хуже дневного; he can compare with the best он не уступает лучшим; compare favourably with this method (with the old theories, etc.) выгодно отличаться от этого метода и т. д.', compare very poorly with new devices (with new instrument, etc.) не идти ни в какое сравнение с новыми приспособлениями и т. д., compare in smth. compare [favourably] in quality (in strength, in size, in number, etc.) не уступать по качеству /в качестве/ и т. д; compare poorly in smth. не идти в сравнение в чем-л.
5. XXI1
compare smth., smb. with smth., smb. compare one thing with another (his book with hers, my handwriting with my father's, a translation with the original, your translation with the model translation on the blackboard, their players with ours, him with his brother, etc.) сравнивать / сопоставлять/ одну вещь с другой и т. д.; compare smth. smb. to smth., smb. compare life to a theatre (sleep to death, a fish's fins to a bird's wings, his verse to music, etc.) проводить аналогию между жизнью и сценой и т. д., уподоблять жизнь сцене и т. д.

English-Russian dictionary of verb phrases. 2013.

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Смотреть что такое "compare" в других словарях:

  • Compare++ — is a useful auxiliary tool for programmers and Web developers. The tool can compare text files and folders quickly. It is useful to detect differences of codes and match.[1] In the review of Softsea in the June 2, 2010, Compare++ was awarded 5… …   Wikipedia

  • compare to — compare with, compare to 1. In general usage, these two constructions tend to be used interchangeably; AmE generally prefers to when there is a choice, whereas in BrE the choice is more evenly divided. A broad distinction in principle should be… …   Modern English usage

  • Compare — Com*pare , v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Compared}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Comparing}.] [L.comparare, fr. compar like or equal to another; com + par equal: cf. F. comparer. See {Pair}, {Peer} an equal, and cf. {Compeer}.] 1. To examine the character or… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • compare — [kəm per′] vt. compared, comparing [ME comparen < OFr comparer < L comparare < com , with + parare, to make equal < par: see PAR1] 1. to regard as similar; liken (to) [to compare life to a river] 2. to examine in order to observe or… …   English World dictionary

  • compare — ► VERB 1) (often compare to/with) estimate, measure, or note the similarity or dissimilarity between. 2) (compare to) point out or describe the resemblances of (something) with. 3) (usu. compare with) be similar to or have a specified… …   English terms dictionary

  • Compare — Com*pare , n. 1. Comparison. [Archaic] [1913 Webster] His mighty champion, strong beyond compare. Milton. [1913 Webster] Their small galleys may not hold compare With our tall ships. Waller. [1913 Webster] 2. Illustration by comparison; simile.… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • compare to —  , compare with  These two can be usefully distinguished.  Compare to should be used to liken things, compare with to consider their similarities or differences. He compared London to New York means that he felt London to be similar to New York.… …   Bryson’s dictionary for writers and editors

  • Compare — Com*pare , v. i. 1. To be like or equal; to admit, or be worthy of, comparison; as, his later work does not compare with his earlier. [1913 Webster] I should compare with him in excellence. Shak. [1913 Webster] 2. To vie; to assume a likeness or… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • compare — late 14c., from O.Fr. comparer (12c., Mod.Fr. comparer), from L.L. comparare to liken, to compare (see COMPARISON (Cf. comparison)). To compare notes is from 1708. Related: Compared; comparing. Phrase without compare (attested from 1620s, but… …   Etymology dictionary

  • compare — compare, contrast, collate mean to set two or more things side by side in order to show likenesses and differences. Compare implies as an aim the showing of relative values or excellences or a bringing out of characteristic qualities, whether… …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • comparé — comparé, ée [ kɔ̃pare ] adj. • de comparer ♦ Qui étudie les rapports entre plusieurs objets d étude. Anatomie comparée (des espèces différentes). Grammaire comparée, étudiant les rapports entre langues. Littérature comparée, étudiant les… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

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